both side now歌詞

《Both Side Now》的歌詞如下:

Both sides now

Now I can see both sides now

Now I can see both sides now

Now I can see

It was a very clear cut situation

I was having a rational conversation

The way I thought it should be

And you could hear the gears shifting in my head

But it's hard to say the right thing in a moment like that

I guess it was my way of breaking down the wall of you not caring at all

And I realized now both sides now

I see the sunny days and lonely nights all in one now

Now I understand both sides now

It's not the way I wanted it to be but it's what you needed too now

Now I can see both sides now

It was just a game that you were playing

A game of making me feel like I was playing too hard to win

And I played right into your hands

But now I see your smile as I lay down next to you at your funeral.

這是一段轉折性強、多義的詞句,詞中既有背叛和心碎的意象,又有心如刀割、受苦的憤慨,其字面含義也取決於其出處。我還能提供一首相關的詞歌《The Ballad of both sides now》。以上信息僅供參考,實際效果可能因歌手的演繹和歌曲背景而異。