castle ed sheeran歌詞意味

"Castle" 是由英國歌手 Ed Sheeran 演唱的一首歌曲。其歌詞主要描述了一種對愛情的渴望和思念,以及內心深處的寂寞和無助。以下是一些歌詞的例子:

* “The sun comes up and you're out my head/You were the one I wanna run around in rain with” (這裡表達了對愛情的渴望和對前任的思念)

* “Just like a castle in the sky/All these feelings, they got me feeling like a king” (這裡描述了對愛情的幻想和內心深處的寂寞)

* “I don't need no friends, I need someone to call my own/Just to wake up next to me, baby I just want to be alone” (這裡表達了對一個能陪伴自己的人的渴望,但同時也體現了無助和寂寞)

總的來說,"Castle" 歌詞反映了 Ed Sheeran 對愛情的深切情感,以及在愛情中無助和寂寞的感受。