chase you歌詞jojo

chase you的詞曲是jojo,演唱者為米津玄師,詞曲內容為他個人的故事,主要歌詞如下:

"Chase you"

It's the only one

This sad dream that I have

What am I supposed to do?

Am I dreaming alone?

The empty hand and empty dreams

All these nights are hard

It's cold

So many nights I've been alone

And I've been chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing dreams, endless dreaming

That's my fate now, endless dreamsing

With all these sleepless nights and

Nothing left but tears and wishes, gone with the wind

Just the melody and my soul and all these words, here we go again

Trying to get close, not just yet

Oh my friend, so many nights we've been alone

And I've been chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you

Chasing you"

以上就是歌曲 "Chase you" 的歌詞,請注意,這只是一個大致的翻譯,歌詞在演唱時可能會有更微妙的變化。