comeback my daughters歌詞

《Comeback My Daughters》是Guns N' Roses演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Greatest Hits》中。


Comeback my daughters

You've been away for far too long

Comeback my sons

You've been away for far too long

And you know that I love you

And you know that I care

And you know that I'll always be there

When you need me more than anywhere

I'm coming back, I'm coming back

My daughters, my daughters

I'm coming back, I'm coming back

My sons, my sons

Oh, I've been away for far too long

Oh, I've been away for far too long

Oh, I've been away for far too long

Oh, I've been away for far too long

And you know that I love you

And you know that I care

And you know that I'll always be there

When you need me more than anywhere

Yeah, and the mountain won't stop coming up

It just keeps rolling down and around and around again

Oh, yeah, but my will to keep surviving won't be defeated again, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!

And you know that I love you

And you know that I care (x3) oh yeah! yeah! yeah! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah! comeback my daughters comeback my sons. oh no, oh no, oh no. oh yeah, yeah. oh no. comeback my daughters comeback my sons. comeback my daughters comeback my sons. oh no, oh yes. comeback my daughters comeback my sons. oh yes. oh yes. comeback my daughters comeback my sons. we don't want a never never land we want our mothers and fathers we want our family together we don't want nothing to do with what is around we don't need what is underneath we need our heart beat in our blood and in our body beats comeback my daughters comeback my sons comeback home my loves. home again comeback home again baby這是一道特別甜美的小菜,烹飪步驟如下:首先,你需要準備胡蘿蔔和山藥,洗淨切丁;接著,將南瓜去皮去籽,切小塊;隨後,將南瓜和山藥丁一起放入蒸鍋中蒸煮;之後,加入牛奶和煉乳攪拌均勻;最後,倒入不粘鍋中翻炒均勻即可。這道小菜甜而不膩,口感鮮美,營養豐富,適合作為餐後甜點或下午茶點心。請注意,這道菜譜僅供參考,可以根據自己的口味和偏好進行調整。烹飪過程中要注意安全,尤其是使用不粘鍋時,要小心火候和溫度。希望你能做出一道美味的小菜!