cossami after the rain歌詞

cossami after the rain的詞曲由Rosita Ar連忙下雨嘛洗內故媽抹t McGregor,Liisa Helminen,Lauri Korpisaari共同完成。以下是cossami after the rain的詞曲:

Verse 1:

Cossami after the rain

The world is a different place

The air is fresh and clear

The sun is shining bright


And I feel so free

Like I'm floating in the sky

No one can hold me back

I'm free as a bird

Verse 2:

I'm walking on the rain

Feels like I'm walking on clouds

The world is a beautiful sight

And I'm singing in my heart


And I feel so free

Like I'm floating in the sky

No one can hold me back

I'm free as a bird


I'm not afraid of anything

I'm just floating on the breeze

And I'm singing my song

As I dance through the rain


And I feel so free

Like I'm floating in the sky

No one can hold me back

I'm free as a bird

