could have been me歌詞

"Could Have Been Me"的詞曲作者和演唱者不詳,但可以在網路上找到一些相關的版本。以下是其中一首版本的部分歌詞:

Verse 1:

I remember when we first met

You were so beautiful and I was so lost

I didn't know what to say or do

But I fell in love with you


And now I'm standing here alone

Thinking about what could have been

If only I had said something different

It could have been me

Verse 2:

I remember all the good times

When we were laughing and having fun

But I didn't take the time to see

What was really going on inside


And now I'm standing here alone

Thinking about what could have been

If only I had said something different

It could have been me


I wish I could go back in time

And tell myself to seize the day

But now it's too late to change my mind

So I'll just have to live with what could have been


And now I'm standing here alone

Thinking about what could have been

If only I had said something different

It could have been me


What could have been, what could have been

It could have been me, but it wasn't.