crossing field英文歌詞

以下是 "Crossing Field" 的英文歌詞:

Verse 1:

We run like the wind is behind us

With passion and fire in our veins

Through the mud and the rain and the cold

To reach the end, it's a war of nerves


We're crossing field, no looking back

Striking out for the distant goal

Running till the finish, we'll never fall

We're crossing field, it's our time now

Verse 2:

The pain is a part of the journey

But we won't let it break our spirit

We'll keep pushing, keep pushing forward

Until we've won, it's our time now


We're crossing field, no looking back

Striking out for the distant goal

Running till the finish, we'll never fall

We're crossing field, it's our time now


We're not alone in this journey

There are those who are with us now

And when we reach that finish line

They'll be there to celebrate with us now


We're crossing field, no looking back

Striking out for the distant goal

Running till the finish, we'll never fall

We're crossing field, it's our time now


We're crossing field, we've made it now

We've reached the end and we've won爬牆烏龜與房子的寓言故事寓意和道理




1. 困難是暫時的,只要我們堅持不懈,總會有成功的一天。

2. 在面對困難時,我們不應該失去信心和勇氣,要勇敢面對。

3. 面對問題時,我們需要靈活變通,找到更適合自己的解決方案。

4. 不要輕易放棄,要相信自己的能力,勇往直前。

5. 不要一味地追求目標,要懂得適當地調整自己的方向。

6. 懂得放棄也是一種智慧,有時候繞道而行也是一種選擇。

7. 成功需要耐心和勇氣,不能因為一時的挫折就放棄前進。

8. 有時候解決問題的方法不是單一的,我們需要學會尋找更多的可能性。

9. 從爬牆烏龜身上我們應該學到不怕困難勇往直前的精神,面對失敗時要坦然接受並能再接再厲的走下去的精神。

