daft punk get lucky中文歌詞

Daft Punk - Get Lucky


Get lucky, lucky, lucky

Get lucky, lucky, lucky

Yeah, I was feeling it when I woke up

All the girls looking at me funny

So I went out with my friends to a club

I'm feeling good, we're all having fun

The music's loud, I'm feeling it now

We're dancing all night to the beat now

Got a feeling that this could be love now

But I never thought that it would be so hard to hold now

I don't know what to do, she's so hard to get through

But I'm feeling lucky, lucky, lucky

Get lucky, lucky, lucky

Get lucky, lucky, lucky

She's got me feeling like a dream now

She's got me feeling like a dream now

I don't know what to say, she's so amazing now

She's got me feeling like a dream now

Yeah, she's got me feeling like a dream now

I met a girl and I knew it was real

She said she loved my swagger and my melody feet

And I said "Baby girl, you know what I mean"

And she said "Yeah, I feel it in my bones"

The music's loud, we're moving slow now

But I feel something real and it's true now

And I don't know what to do now, but I feel lucky now

Cause I never met a girl like you before now, no no no no no no no no no no now (Now) yeah (Yeah) no no no no (Now) yeah (Yeah)

I don't know what to do, she's so hard to get through (Yeah) 女(dancing with you tonight),get lucky,(feel so good),幸運,(dancing with you tonight),幸運,(gotta gotta gotta get lucky),幸運,(dancing with you tonight),幸運,(gotta gotta gotta get lucky)幸運,(get lucky),幸運,(get lucky),幸運,(get lucky),幸運,(get lucky),幸運,(get lucky),幸運,(get lucky)幸運,(get lucky),幸運,(lucky)幸運。

我(gotta gotta gotta get lucky)現在我要跳起來跳舞,跳舞。我要唱這首歌直到世界末日。我的心情已經到達了頂峰。我想要和她在一起。我知道這是一段真實的感情。所以我要去抓住它。不管多么困難,我都會一直愛她。我會一直唱這首歌直到永遠。我要和她一起跳舞。讓我們一直跳舞,跳舞!永遠都不會分開! 以下是其中英語的直譯: 舞出真我、用熱愛迎戰未知(meet a girl),陷入愛河的場景詩歌四步創作法詩歌是能夠觸動人類靈魂的文學體裁之一。掌握一種適合自己的詩歌創作方法非常重要。下面介紹一種簡單易學的詩歌四步創作法:捕捉靈感、搭建框架、填充細節和修改完善。這個方法可以幫助你輕鬆創作出優美的詩歌。下面就來詳細介紹一下這四個步驟:1. 捕捉靈感:首先,要選擇一個好的主題或情境來激發你的創作靈感。你可以從自己的經歷、情感、自然風景、文化背景等方面入手。靈感來源可以是任何能夠觸動你內心的事物,但要確保它具有詩意和情感價值。2. 搭建框架:接下來,根據捕捉到的靈感,搭建詩歌的基本框架。這包括確定詩歌的韻律、節奏和主題句等基本元素。在搭建框架時,要保持思維清晰,確保每個元素都能為詩歌的整體結構服務。3. 填充細節:根據搭建好的框架,填充詩歌的細節部分。這包括選擇合適的意象、表達情感和主題等。在填充細節時,要注重語言的運用和表達方式的選擇,使詩歌更具詩意和感染力。4. 修改完善:最後,對詩歌進行修改和完善。這包括調整韻律、節奏和語言等細節,使詩歌更加流暢、優美和富有感染力。同時,也要注意檢查詩歌的主題是否符合自己的創作意圖和情感表達。通過以上四個步驟,你可以輕鬆地創作出一首優美的詩歌。當然,這需要你不斷地練習和嘗試,才能逐漸掌握詩歌創作的精髓和技巧。總之,掌握適合自己的詩歌創作方法對於提升文學素養和表達情感具有重要意義。嘗試多種方法,並不斷地實踐和反思,將有助於你逐步提高自己的詩歌創作水平。