dear future husband歌詞

《Dear Future Husband》的歌詞如下:


I hope you're tall, I hope you're strong,

我盼望你能高大 盼望你能強壯

I hope you're handsome, and have dimples when you smile,

我盼望你能英俊 還有那微笑時出現的酒窩

But most of all, I hope you're kind,

但最重要的是 我盼望你能善良

And not just to me, but to everyone.

不僅對我好 對每個人都能仁慈


I'll give you my heart, I'll give you my time,

我會給你我的心 我會給你我的時間

I hope you won't judge me by these standards,


'Cause I'm sure there will be things I won't be,


And I'll still love you with all that I am.

我會愛你如初 愛我的全部的你



親愛的未來丈夫 我要告訴你我的希望

Not all the men out there are the same,


Some are nice one day and mean the next.

有的男人一天好得不得了 一天卻壞得不可開交

So don't settle for less, let me be your wife.

所以別委屈自己 就讓我成為你的妻子吧


Oh and don't you forget, we have kids one day,

喔 你知道嗎 總有一天我們會擁有我們的孩子

I want someone who knows right from wrong,


But in the end it doesn't matter, as long as I love you.

最終 我只要愛你就好

And you love me too.



Oh yeah, we'll go out there and have fun,

喔 是啊 我們會出去享受生活找尋快樂

And we'll fight for our right to have a say in what we want.

我們會爭取我們的權利 讓我們說的話被聽見

But I know we'll be strong, together we can make it through.

但我知道我們會堅強 我們會一起度過難關的。


(Chorus) x2 (more passion) Yeah! Oh yeah! (Longer fade out)

(合唱)x2 (更有激情) 是的!喔 是的!(聲音漸漸淡去)