different as night and day歌詞


歌名:Different As Night and Day

You're so different as night and day 你日夜兩樣 判若兩人

You're a million miles from the day 你已遠離白日的溫柔

In the light you're quite delightful 在日光下你是如此令人喜歡

But the dark suits you a thousand times better 不過在暗處更適合你

In the night there's a fiercer gleam 在夜裡有一道更鮮明的光芒

You can dance naked through the tree lights 你可以裸舞穿過樹燈

No constraints upon your liberty 沒有束縛你的自由

With you as night and day are so much fun 與你日夜這樣無憂無慮真的很有趣

A friend in the light, a lover at night 在日光下是朋友,夜晚才是情人

A dream of fireworks in the moonlit night 月光下的夢想是煙花燦爛

Oh, you're so different as night and day 噢,你日夜兩樣 判若兩人

Lyrics by unknown 歌詞由無名氏所作
