disney a whole new world歌詞

"Disney A Whole New World"的歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

A whole new world, open up the door

A dream that's waiting for you, just for you


A whole new world, where dreams really do come true

It's all around you, just take a look

Verse 2:

A whole new world, where hope is free

A world that's full of magic, just for you


A whole new world, where dreams really do come true

It's all around you, just take a look


You can't escape it, it's real

Open up your heart, it's there

Verse 3:

A whole new world, that's what we make

We'll fight for what we believe in, forevermore


A whole new world, where dreams really do come true

It's all around you, see it now


A whole new world, A whole new world"

以上就是這首歌曲的歌詞,它是由 Disney 製作的著名動畫電影《小美人魚》中的插曲。歌曲的旋律和歌詞都非常優美,可以讓人感受到動畫中的美好世界。