disney sweetbox cinderella歌詞

"Disney Sweetbox Cinderella" 的歌詞如下:



I'm just a poor girl, from an old family

With a dream of what could be

And if I had a wish, I'd wish on a star

For a chance to be free


I'd like to take you, where dreams come true

Through a magical land

Where the sun shines every day

And there's no pain


I'll run with my prince, on the wings of a dream

Across mountains and oceans, to be with him

And I'll dance with my prince, in a beautiful castle

On a night filled with stars, forever my friend


Cinderella, you're more than a fairytale

You're a symbol of hope for all to see

You've got the power to make your dreams come true

Cinderella, we're with you


I'll never give up, I'll never give in

Till my dream becomes my reality

And I'll dance with my prince, in a beautiful dreamland

Till the morning sun, forever my friend


So remember girls, there's no limit to what you can do

You can make your dreams come true, it's written in stone

You've got the power to reach for the sky

So let your spirit soar, no matter what they say

Cinderella you are beautiful!

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