don t say lazy歌詞巴哈

Don't say lazy的日語歌詞如下:

《don't say lazy》

Yo つぶやいてば ちょっとさぁ つぶやいてみな そうしてごまかす どうせ早起きなのに

You say it in a low voice just a little

Say it softly So I try to avoid it But since you're always early for work

Yeah I don't like people who say lazy around me

さぁ前に出だしだれ 足を伸ばしだれ カーテンをゆるめよう

Come on, let's go ahead and open the curtains Let's stretch our legs

Yo 一歩踏み出すなんて 楽しそうに みんな夢中に寢ていたのに

It seems like we're ready to take a step forward Everyone was so focused on dreaming

Yeah I don't like people who are lazy when I'm around them

きゅっと落ち著いた 自分の場所 みんな言うたが聞こえるよね?

"Are you sure about where you are?" everyone seems to be asking me?

今宵僕らの夢は 全て希望の欠片だろう 見つけに行こう それが旅立ちの歌だから

Tonight our dream is a fragment of hope Let's go find it, that's the song of setting out

そうさ僕らは夢見る者さ 遠慮ないさよなら 夢を抱きしめて

We are dreamers who won't hold back, goodbye to fear, embrace your dreams

どんな時もどんな場所も 夢を抱きしめて行こう つぶやいてばちょっとさぁ つぶやいてみな そうしてごまかす どうせ早起きなのに

Hold onto your dreams no matter what time or place It's okay to be lazy once in a while, as long as you get up early.