dream on the street da pump歌詞

"Dream on the street, da pump" 的歌詞如下:

Dream on the street, dream on the street

Da pump, pump it up

This time I ain't lookin' back

Oh oh oh

Life ain't no mountain I can't climb

Everybody is living in a dream

If you dream big enough, it could be

The real thing in your life

Dream on the street, dream on the street

Da pump, pump it up

Just go with the flow

Oh oh oh

We can change the world if we all want to

No one here can stop our love for what we're about

Just believe in yourself and don't let anyone

Stop you from reaching your dreams

So dream on the street, dream on the street

Da pump, pump it up

這是一首充滿活力和激情的歌曲,鼓勵人們追求自己的夢想,勇往直前。歌詞中多次提到“dream on the street”(在街上做夢),表達了作者對夢想的執著追求和對未來的樂觀態度。同時,“da pump, pump it up”也暗示了積極向上、不斷進取的精神。整首歌曲節奏明快,適合在運動、舞蹈等場合播放。