easter bunny歌詞

Easter bunny的歌詞如下:

Easter bunny, Easter bunny,

Come out and play with me.

Easter bunny, Easter bunny,

You're so much fun to me.

Here comes the Easter bunny,

Hurray for a day of fun.

He brings the Easter eggs,

And all the children sing.


Easter bunny, Easter bunny,

Come out and play with me.

Easter bunny, Easter bunny,

You're so much fun to me.

Here comes the Easter bunny,

He brings a treat for all.

A little one too big,

But oh, he's fun to call.

(Repeat Chorus)

以上就是關於"Easter bunny"的基本歌詞內容,這只是一首兒童歌曲,它的主要目的是通過描述復活節兔子帶來糖果和復活節彩蛋的行為來激發孩子們的快樂和期待。如果你想更深入了解這隻歌曲的其他歌詞、文化背景或者使用它進行兒童教育的具體情境,我會很樂意提供更多的幫助。