everything you do m2m歌詞

《Everything You Do》是M2M(窈窕美眉)的歌曲,詞曲由二人共同完成,收錄在《Shades of Purple》中。中英文歌詞分別如下:


你輕輕敲我的房門 提醒我今夜有星空

一天忙碌過去了 該停下腳步看看自己


在那些燈光昏暗的日子裡 是你的愛為我添溫暖

每一次你的出現 帶給我美好預感

I say to you: I'm waiting for your everything you do

你總是那樣優秀 那么自然 我從不感到驚訝

你做自己 我做自己

你給的愛 讓我想要去冒險

I say to you: I'm ready for your everything you do

我不怕一路崎嶇 不管多久我都會跟隨

因為有你我不再怕黑夜 因為有你我不會再覺得累

你就是那樣的存在 在我的生命里如此耀眼

所以 我想要為你去做任何事情 永遠都不會感到倦怠


You knock on my door gently and remind me of the stars tonight

After a busy day, I need to take a step back and look at myself

I just want a simple hug every day. in those dark, dim lights, your love gives me warmth.

Every time you appeared, you brought a feeling of beauty into my world.

I say to you: I'm waiting for your everything you do

You are always so great and natural, and I never feel surprised.

You do you, and I do me. Your love makes me want to take risks.

I say to you: I'm ready for your everything you do.

I'm not afraid of the road ahead, no matter how long it takes, I will follow you.

Because of you, I'm no longer afraid of the night. Because of you, I won't feel tired.

You are such a presence in my life, so bright that I want to do anything for you, forever without fatigue.