forever together tetsuya歌詞

"Forever Together tetsuya" 的歌詞如下:


從黎明開始 到夜深人靜

與你在一起 我感到幸福

與你共度的時光 是最美的珍藏

沒有惋惜 沒有抱怨


我們不離不棄 永不放手

在這個世界上 你是我唯一的愛人


我們的愛情 永遠不會凋零

即使歲月流逝 即使滄海桑田

我依然深愛著你 永遠不變


Starting from the dawn till the late night

I feel happiness with you

The time I spend with you is the most beautiful treasured

Without regret, without complaints

Let us stay together forever

We won't part, we won't give up

In this world, you are my only lover

Let us stay together forever

Our love will never wilt

Even as time passes and the seas change,

I still love you deeply, forever.