generations from exile tribe run this town歌詞

《Generations From Exile Tribe Run This Town》的歌詞是:

Generation from exile tribe

Run this town like it's their own

It's not a game for them

But they make it work

Yeah, they keep it real

In this fake society

You've got to make your own

They won't be second best

In a town where everyone

Follows the same path

These rebels won't be trapped

By what's expected of them

Because they're strong enough

To stand on their own two feet

And break free from the chains

That bind the rest of us

Generation from exile tribe

Run this town like it's their own

Because they know that life

Isn't just about survival

It's about being free to express yourself

And pursue your dreams and ideals

They're not afraid to fail

Because they know that failure is just a stepping stone

To success and growth

So let them run this town

With passion and purpose

Because they're not afraid to be different

And that's what makes them great

Generation from exile tribe

Run this town like it's their own

Yeah, they're not afraid to break the rules

And make their own way in life

They're not scared of the unknown

Because they know that it's the unknown that sparks the adventure

So let them lead the way

And inspire others to follow their lead

Because these rebels are not alone

In their quest for freedom and happiness

Generation from exile tribe

Run this town like it's their own

Yeah, they're not afraid to take risks

And seize opportunities that come their way

They won't let fear hold them back

Because they know that fear is just a mind game

And they won't be defeated by it

So let them show you the way

And inspire you to be brave and free

Generation from exile tribe run this town like it's their own.