goes on the right goes on the left歌詞

"Goes on the right, goes on the left" 是一句非常有名的歌曲,通常在電影《瘋狂動物城》中出現。這是一句非常有節奏感的歌曲,歌詞如下:

Goes on the right, goes on the left

It's a rabbit, it's a fox

It's a bunny, it's a pussycat

It's a bunny, it's a pussycat

Yeah, it's all in your head

Yeah, it's all in your head

Come on, it's fun to ride

Yeah, it's all in your head

You're in a world of your own

Goes on the right, goes on the left

You're feeling good about yourself

It's just a game, it's just a dream

It's just a game, it's just a dream

Come on, let's go for a ride

It's just a game, it's just a dream

The song is a playful and catchy tune that can be used to describe various situations where people have different opinions or perceptions of things. It can also be used to describe situations where people have different preferences or favorites, which can be confusing or difficult to understand for others. In any case, the song is a fun and upbeat tune that can help people feel good and have fun while enjoying themselves.