gun n rose don t cry歌詞

"Guns N' Roses Don't Cry"的歌詞如下:

Don't cry for me

Cause I'm a hard-knock life

I ain't leavin' no graves

For you to stroll into

The rain is a hard thing

But it washes the dust off my face

And I ain't no angel

But I'm trying to be a man

So don't cry for me

When I'm gone

I ain't no angel

But I'm trying to be a man

I've been down and out

But I ain't no hobo

Got my head up and my face turned up

Looking for something

I ain't found yet

I can see clearly now

The clouds have rolled away

I ain't no prophet

But I'm trying to make my way

So don't cry for me

When I'm gone

Just when you thought

I was down and out

I got up and I walked away

Yeah, I walked away

以上就是這首歌的歌詞,它出自Guns N' Roses(槍炮與玫瑰)樂隊的一首經典歌曲。歌詞表達了一種堅韌不拔、不屈不撓的精神,即使身處困境,也要努力尋找出路,最終走向光明。