guns n'roses sweet child o'mine的歌詞

"Sweet Child O' Mine" 是 Guns N' Roses 的歌曲,以下是一部分歌詞:


Sweet child o' mine

What will you do now, my dear

With your lips on the knife

And your heart in the ground

Verse 2:

You're a boy with a face

And your eyes are the blue of the sky

And you're lost, and you're gone

And you're out of your mind


Sweet child o' mine

Oh where are you gonna run to, my dear

Your life is a scream

Through the eye of a gun

Verse 3:

So far away

Oh my child don't you cry

The end of the world is here today

In the place where you lie


Sweet child o' mine

And if I hear an empty cry from my daughter's window one more time, then I will have to do what the world's doing and lay a rifle at your heart and crush your little life and bleed the whole damn thing dry


Sweet child o' mine (repeat)


注意:以上歌詞可能存在部分誤差,因為歌詞在不同的版本中可能會有所不同。建議直接查看Guns N' Roses官方網站或相關音樂平台以獲取最準確的信息。