happy birthday yeah yeah wow wow歌詞

"Happy birthday yeah yeah wow" 的歌詞如下:

Happy birthday to you, 祝你生日快樂

Happy birthday to you, 祝你生日快樂

With candles and wishes too, 伴隨著蠟燭和祝福

Happy birthday, dear friend, 親愛的朋友,生日快樂

Yeah yeah, 耶耶

Oh how we laughed and we danced, 我們歡笑著跳舞

And sang this song again, 再次唱起這首歌

Oh how we had the time of our lives, 我們度過了難忘的時光

And now it's your turn, take a bow, 現在輪到你了,鞠個躬吧

Yeah yeah wow, yeah yeah oh

Yeah yeah, let's start up again

For another year together, 為了這一年,我們會更進一步

Candle bumps and hugging and cheek pinching 輕輕地敲擊對方的臉頰和戳對方的背,哈哈哈

Now we're here to sing you a birthday song, 現在我們在這裡為你唱一首生日歌

So blow out the candles and make a wish, 所以吹滅蠟燭許個願吧

Yeah yeah, 耶耶

Yeah yeah oh, yeah yeah yeah

Happy birthday to you, 祝你生日快樂

Happy birthday to you, 祝你生日快樂

Till next year or the year after, 直到明年或再往後

Happy birthday dear friend of mine, 我的朋友,生日快樂