hard to love somebody歌詞

"Hard to Love Somebody"是由Lisa Loeb演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Verse 1:

I've been feeling so alone

In a world that's so unkind

And I've been searching for a sign

To tell me I'm not worthless


But it's hard to love somebody

When you don't even love yourself

It's hard to believe in something

When there's nothing left in you


When you wake up feeling worthless

And no matter what you do or say

It doesn't seem to make a difference

To someone who doesn't understand

Verse 2:

But you can change your own perspective

Redefine what you see

Take control of your emotions

And don't let anyone define who you be

(Repeat Chorus)


Believe in the good within you

You are not a lost cause

When you finally see the light

It will all make sense


It's hard to love somebody

But it's not impossible to change

With every moment that passes

You can find a way to believe.
