help is on the way歌詞

"Help Is on the Way" 是 Santigold 的歌曲。以下是其歌詞:

Verse 1:

Help is on the way

I'm feeling like a prisoner in my own skin

Trying to break free

But I'm trapped in the system

Trying to find my way

But I'm lost in the maze


Help is on the way

It's not too late to make a change

I'm not giving up

I'm gonna make it through this pain

Help is on the way

It's a new day, a new start

I'm gonna rise up

And I won't let this get me down

Verse 2:

I've been through hell and back

Trying to figure out my purpose in this life

But now I know what I'm worth

So I'm gonna seize the day

And let the good times roll

Cause help is on the way


This ain't over till the fat lady sings

And even then I won't stop

No, I won't stop 'til the job's done

Cause help is on the way

在歌詞中,"help is on the way"表示幫助就在前方,表明歌手在人生的困境中找到了希望,將要獲得幫助,迎來新的開始。這首歌詞也表達了對未來的希望和勇氣,鼓勵聽眾不要放棄,要堅持到底。