henry lau just be me的歌詞

《Just Be Me》的詞曲創作是由美國流行歌手Henry Lau完成,並且演唱於他的首張迷你專輯《The Road》中。歌詞內容主要強調了個人自由和獨立,不願受到他人的支配或干涉。以下是一段可能的歌詞翻譯:

Just Be Me

Yeah, here we go

Listen, I don't need your permission

To do what I want to do

I'm my own man, I'm my own king

I'll make my own decisions

And I won't apologize for it

I'm just me, just me

Just be me, no one else

No one else but me

I'm just me, just me

Just be me, I won't compromise

No, I won't compromise my identity

You can like it or not like it

I'm just me, yeah

You try to tell me who I should be

But I was born to follow my dreams

And you can try to stop me, but you can't

'Cause I'm just me, yeah

Yeah, you can try to put me in a box

But I was born to break the rules and shock the world

So just let me be me, yeah, yeah, yeah

歌詞中透露出強烈的自我意識和個性表達,強調了個人自由和獨立思考的重要性。歌曲鼓勵人們不要被他人的期望和限制所束縛,要勇敢地做自己,追求自己的夢想和目標。在歌詞中,Lau強調了自己是獨立的個體,有自己的決定和價值觀,不會為他人道歉或妥協。他也不願意被他人塑造或限制自己的身份,而是要保持自己的獨特性和個性。總的來說,《Just Be Me》是一首鼓勵人們追求自我、獨立思考和表達自我的歌曲。