i am歌詞英文

《I Am》的英文詞曲是從詞曲創作人Eminem的歌曲裡的內容中取出來的。整首歌以主角為人父母並帶有雙胞胎兄弟(弟弟也跟他同樣,出生便眼盲),這樣的身分在描述他們人生中所經歷的事情。這首歌的英文詞曲內容如下:


I am, I am, I am, I am

I am the world’s worst father

I am the worst in the world

I am the worst

I am just a shell of a man

I am a coward, I run from it

I am a coward, I run from my past

I am a coward, I run from my pain

But I will rise, I will rise


I am, I am, I am, I am

I am the world’s biggest liar

I am a failure, a complete and utter failure

I am the laughing stock of the world

Everyone hates me, they laugh at me

And I don’t blame them, I don’t blame them

But I will rise, I will rise


Every night I go to sleep

And I ask myself why?

Why did this have to happen to me?

And every time, every time

I fall asleep again and have nightmares

But this time I won’t cry

Because this time, this time

I know I will rise.
