i am the juniper歌詞英文

I Am The Jupe演唱的《I Am The Jupe》的英文歌詞如下:

I am the juniper

that was beaten by the winter storm

That fell and froze into a cold statue

Of agony and dread.

Now my branches drip with dew

Like tears that still continue to fall

For those who saw my worth before

Now it’s gone, so small.

Am I here alone? Am I the loser?

A nobody that fell through fate’s gap.

Is it all for naught? Is my story finished?

Just another wasted blade.

Oh I can hear the rustling leaves

As they whisper in the wind’s embrace

And I can feel the warmth of sunshine

As it melts my frozen plight.

For I am not defeated, I am not lost,

I am not naught but something great.

For I am the juniper, the hope of spring,

The guardian of the frozen earth.

Yet you look down upon me with disdain

For you cannot see beyond your pride

For I am a reminder of failure,

Of something you wish had died.

Yet you have failed in yours. Each and every day

I wake to life, you wallow in your lies.

I yearn for sun, for rain to fall,

You seek for happiness in all the wrong places.

So let me be your inspiration, let me be your hope,

Let me be your reminder of what is true.

For I am the juniper, the spirit of the earth,

The guardian of the frozen dream.