i am yours歌詞中英對照

《I Am Yours》的歌詞中英對照如下:

* 乘著音符的翅膀飛翔,我遇見你。

I ride the melody high 我駕馭著音符飛翔

And I've found you.

* 我是屬於你的,為你而生。

I am yours, I've been waiting.

* 無論是星辰還是海洋,我都能陪你一起分享。

Through the constellations, Through the sea,

I will always share with you.

* 我屬於你,沒有任何秘密。

I am yours, there's no denying.

* 無論何時何地,我都將跟隨你。

I will follow you, all over town.

* 我愛你的嗓音,愛你的一切。

I love your voice, everything about you.

* 我是屬於你的,永不改變。

I am yours, it's plain to see.

以上就是《I Am Yours》的歌詞中英對照,希望對您有所幫助!