i don 39 t know歌詞

《I Don't》的歌詞如下:

I don't want your love 我並不想索取你的愛

I don't want your c**k 我並不想被你糾纏

Your time has come 你的時機到了

Your patience running thin 你的耐心已所剩無幾

If you think that I 如果你認為

Can be saved 你我能再次陷入愛河

Or you just want some kind of fun 或者是你只是想要尋歡作樂

Well you've got a funny way of showing it 那真是有趣的方式來向我表明一切

No I don't need to think again 不 我無需再次糾結

I'm done with your illusion 我已厭倦了你的幻想

And I don't want your sympathy 我並不想索取你的同情

I don't want your sympathy 我不想再得到你的同情

I don't want your love 我並不想索取你的愛

I don't want your everything 我並不想要你的一切

Because your body ain't gonna save me 因為你的身體無法拯救我於水深火熱

Or bring me comfort 也不會給我帶來慰籍

Because it doesn't fit 因為這一切都不合適

Into my equation 就我來說不合適宜

Your breath on my neck 在我的頸上吹氣

Did it make you sick? 這讓你感到噁心了嗎?

Oh please 喔 求你了

And you call yourself a man 你就那么把你自己當做是男人嗎?

A fucking weirdo on a pedestal 把我看做是你所謂的標準異常體 而高居於眾人之上的男人嗎?

No I don't need to think again 不 我無需再次糾結

I'm done with your illusion 我已厭倦了你的幻想

And I don't want your sympathy 我並不想索取你的同情

No I don't want your sympathy 我不想再得到你的同情

No I don't need it 不 我並不需要同情與憐憫

It just wastes my time 它只會浪費我的時間而已。