i set fire to the rain歌詞

以下是《I Set Fire to the Rain》的歌詞:

I set fire to the rain 我縱火燒雨

You could have saved my soul 你本可以拯救我的靈魂

But you chose not to 但你卻沒有

I set fire to the rain 我縱火燒雨

Just like a demon screaming in the night 就如同惡魔在黑夜中尖叫

And I lost control 我失去了控制

And I thought I heard you say 我以為我聽見你說

I'm not what you dreamed I used to be 我不再是你夢寐以求的樣子

You say that we could start anew 你說我們可以重新開始

But when I wake from dreams 我從夢中醒來時

Your eyes still burn 你的眼睛仍然灼熱

But it's a memory 在腦海中迴蕩著那些回憶

A distant memory 一個遙遠的記憶

In my sleep I feel at ease 在夢中我感到放鬆

Away from everything 遠離這一切

I'm not sure what to believe 我不確定該相信什麼

When you say that we belong 當你告訴我我們屬於彼此時

But in my sleep I dream 我仍在夢中夢到

That I burned up the rain 我縱火燒雨

So why can't I let it go? 所以我為什麼不能釋懷呢?

Why can't I just let it go? 我為什麼不能放下呢?

Why can't I just let it go? 我為什麼不能釋懷呢?

Why can't I let it go? 我為什麼不能放下呢?

I set fire to the rain 我縱火燒雨

You said it was a phase 你說是暫時的瘋狂

But now you're staring at me 現在你卻看著我

Trying to recognize me 試圖認出我

You say that we could start anew 你說我們可以重新開始

But when I wake from dreams 我從夢中醒來時

Your eyes still burn 你的眼睛仍然灼熱

But it's a memory 在腦海中迴蕩著那些回憶

A distant memory 一個遙遠的記憶

In my sleep I feel at ease 在夢中我感到放鬆

Away from everything 遠離這一切

I'm not sure what to believe 我不確定該相信什麼,什麼是我真正的想法。我想讓你知道這首歌講述的是一種情感的矛盾和困擾,對於過去錯誤的反思和對於未來未知的恐懼。希望這個答覆對你有所幫助。