if i were a boy中英歌詞



If I were a boy


















唯願哪天可以傻一點若你喜歡躲著我默流淚 偏偏 怪我無心的倔強難去慰借親你也會背痛快哭泣 更怪我有幾許狠心(但願我是個女孩)假如是我別來慰我憂鬱中的罪負起淚流的魔鬼我要在哪個夢裡做個男人 如沒有情人然後不必空虛強說愁到最終竟看破到哪個終點就算 我能夠成為女孩也要用快樂回敬昨天曾經虛無的一切 (在回憶中重生) 無負累 為我期待 愛可以怎麽寫 就讓它更徹底 如讓我許個願 用一生的信念 如讓愛情回臨在男孩和女孩身上是純真 是倔強 應該相愛 在心裡從未對真愛將失去信仰 從沒有忘記 自己純真的模樣 如果我是個男孩


If I Were a Boy

If I were a boy

I know I would've taken the better decisions

Instead of running away from everything, I would've stood up for it.

But now it's too late.

If I were a boy, I would understand the pain of love better.

I wouldn't have run for someone else's company.

If boys understand the beauty of love better, then why can't they cherish it?

When girls cry, they don't expect anyone to understand.

They just need someone to be there with them.

I know girls cry because they care, not because they are weak.

I know they feel the need to be understood more than anything else in the world.

It's only natural for girls to feel things deeply. Girls have emotions too.

It's only because I was too innocent to understand what it really means to be in love.

I want to fall in love again, if I were a boy. I would make every decision a life-long commitment, instead of just making a mistake and letting it go. If you hurt me, then you will have to face the consequences of your actions. If you are there with me, then I will be there for you too. If you are sad, then let me be the one to comfort you. If you need someone to talk to, then let me be the one who understands you. If I were a boy, I would do everything in my power to make sure that my girl is happy and content. I would do anything for her. But now I am a girl and I have to find my own way in this world. It's time for me to become strong and independent. But deep inside, I still believe that boys and girls can be together and have a beautiful life together. If I were a boy, I would do everything in my power to make sure that my girl is happy and content. I would do anything for her. If only...