in the bleak midwinter歌詞

"In the Bleak Midwinter"是創作的一首瑞典民謠,以下是它的部分歌詞:

In the bleak midwinter, when no birds sing,

Not a leaf moves on the trees,

I sit and ponder, deeply thinking,

What will I do in the spring?

And I think of the days when I was young,

When the sun shone bright and clear,

And I thought that my life would last forever,

But now it's gone and left me here.

Now it's time for renewal, hope and faith,

As I bid farewell to winter's reign;

With a hope that I will soon be back,

And life will be like it used to be.

When the snowdrops appear, and daffodils bloom,

And the birds sing in the branches high;

Then I'll say, "It's time to rise and shine,"

And live my life with all my might.

In the bleak midwinter, when the sun is hidden,

And all is quiet and still;

I'll hold on to hope and keep my heart afloat,

And wait for spring to come and fill.
