innocent bird azalea歌詞

《innocent bird azalea》的歌詞如下:

Baby you innocent bird

Always hanging around in my yard

Oh my god what's in my yard

So pretty that I couldn't bear to part

Like a garden in springtime

I planted all kinds of flowers and plants

I watered them and nurtured them

And they bloomed beautifully

But now they're all dead

I'm so sad and lonely

I'm so sad and lonely

But you innocent bird

You're still chirping away

You're still chirping away

Oh my god what a pity

Oh my god what a pity

Oh my god what a pity

Oh my god what a pity

Oh my god what a pity

I want to let you out of my yard

But I don't want to let you suffer

So I'll let you go free

Oh my god what a pity

Oh my god what a pity

You innocent bird, fly away

Fly away with your wings up high

You innocent bird, fly away

Fly away with your wings up high

The wind rustles the leaves and branches

The flowers rustle the ground with their roots

But now I can't feel them anymore

Because I have to leave my yard alone

So innocent, so lovely

Oh my god, so much pain

I miss you all so much now

You innocent bird, fly away

Fly away with your wings up high.