it's man's world歌詞

It's Man's World的詞曲作者及演唱者並未明確透露,但有網上流傳的版本。以下是其中一個版本的歌詞:

Verse 1:

It's a man's world, yeah

But it wouldn't be nothing

Without a woman or a girl

We might as well call it

Half a world, yeah


But it's not just men

Who can make a change

It's a woman's world

And we can make it better

Verse 2:

It's a man's world, yeah

But we need to understand

That we all have a part to play

And we can make it better


But it's not just men

Who can make a change

It's a woman's world

And we can make it better


We might as well call it

Half a world, yeah

But let's not forget about the girls

Who are making a difference

In their own way, yeah


But it's not just men

Who can make a change

It's a woman's world

And we can make it better

Make it better, yeah
