just one night dance歌詞

Just One Night Dance的歌詞如下:

(Verse 1)

Just one night dance

To the rhythm of the drum

And let loose your mind

No need to be tense


Let's just dance all night

To the rhythm of the music

Don't worry about tomorrow

Just enjoy tonight

(Verse 2)

Feel the beat of the music

Let it fill your soul

Leave your troubles behind

And just dance along


Let's just dance all night

To the rhythm of the music

Don't worry about tomorrow

Just enjoy tonight


This moment, it could last forever

So let's make the most of it

Just one night, let's make it magical

Forget about the world outside


Let's just dance all night

To the rhythm of the music

Don't worry about tomorrow

Just enjoy tonight (x2)

Just One Night Dance是一首充滿活力和節奏感的歌曲,歌詞鼓勵人們放下煩惱,享受這一晚的舞蹈和音樂。歌曲旋律動感十足,非常適合在派對上播放。