







開不了口就算是永久再也不輕易為愛哭過愛如已熄滅我現在沒動力承受A pen is always useful, even when it's old. Sometimes you might even forget it, but when you need it, it will always be there for you. That is why many people use old pens for different tasks, from making a simple drawing to completing an important task. Even when a pen becomes too old to write clearly, it can still be used for other tasks. Old pens are often given away as souvenirs or gifts to family and friends.

However, old pens can be dangerous if they are used improperly. Old pens may have rusted parts or broken ink cartridges that can cause injury if they are handled incorrectly. It is recommended that you handle old pens with care and avoid using them for tasks that require precision or fine motor skills.

If you have a collection of old pens, you can display them in a nice way, like a museum or gallery. Old pens can also be recycled into art projects or crafts, such as making a flowerpot from an old pen tube. In fact, some artists even use old pens to create unique works of art.

Old pens are not only beautiful and unique, but they also have a lot of potential for reuse and creativity. So, don't throw away your old pens just yet! They could be the next big thing in your art collection or craft project.

Q1: What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Old pens are not only beautiful and unique, but they also have a lot of potential for reuse and creativity.

B. Old pens are dangerous and should be avoided.

C. People often use old pens to complete tasks and display them as souvenirs or gifts.

D. Many people buy old pens for art projects and crafts.

E. A pen is always useful because it never goes out of style.


Q2: What is the author's advice on handling old pens?

A. Handle old pens with care and avoid using them for tasks that require precision or fine motor skills because they can cause injury.

B. It is suggested that we can simply use them as scrap materials.

C. To not care about their age or condition, we should treat them equally in any task.


Q3: Why do people use old pens? What can they do with them?

People use old pens because they are often given away as souvenirs or gifts to family and friends and are always useful, even when they are old and worn out. They can be used for different tasks, from making a simple drawing to completing an important task, such as recycling them into art projects or crafts, like making a flowerpot from an old pen tube.
