krewella live for the night歌詞

"Live for the Night" 是由 Krewella 演唱的一首歌曲,以下是其歌詞:

Verse 1:

We live for the night, the music and the lights

The feeling, the thrill, it never gets old

We're on a ride, we're going for a ride

To the edge of the world, we'll take it all with us


Let's dance in the dark, for the ones who can't be seen

Till the sun comes up, till we break all the rules

Live for the night, it's all we've got to cling to

Verse 2:

In this life, there's no guarantee

But this life, it's one big show

And every second, every song, every kick-start brings us closer to the dawn


Let's dance in the dark, for the ones who can't be seen

Till the sun comes up, till we break all the rules

Live for the night, it's all we've got to cling to


This life is like a movie, full of highs and lows

But we're not gonna settle, we're gonna keep on going

Till the end of time, till we've had enough


Let's dance in the dark, for the ones who can't be seen

Till the sun comes up, till we break all the rules

Live for the night, it's all we've got to cling to


So let's live for tonight, for every single second that we got left我想請問一下如何做滷鴨翅,有哪位可以告訴我呢?謝謝!


1. 將鴨翅清洗乾淨,剁成小塊。 燒一鍋清水,倒入鴨翅,加薑片和蔥,焯水去除鴨翅的腥味和血水。焯好水的鴨翅用溫水沖洗乾淨。 準備好蔥姜蒜和香料:香葉、桂皮、八角、草果、羅漢果等。如果想要味道重一些,香料可以按個人口味添加。 如果家裡沒有砂鍋,可以用炒菜鍋來煮。因為滷汁要煮很久才能入味,所以用砂鍋最好。將焯好水的鴨翅放入砂鍋中。 放入備好的香料和適量的鹽、雞精。加開水(水量沒過鴨翅),放入冰糖。蓋上鍋蓋,小火煮30-40分鐘即可。 在煮的過程中,記得翻動幾次鴨翅,這樣可以入味均勻。同時注意水量,不要燒乾。 這樣,一鍋美味的滷鴨翅就做好了。你可以根據個人口味調整煮製的時間和香料的種類和用量。希望這個食譜能對你有所幫助!