lead my one歌詞

"Lead Me One" 是由 Lady Gaga 演唱的一首歌曲,歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Lead me one, lead me one

Through the dark, through the pain

Through the night, I'll be waiting

For your light to shine again


Lead me one, lead me one

Through the clouds, through the rain

Through the pain, I'll be strong

For your love, I'll be safe again

Verse 2:

Lead me one, lead me one

Through the fear, through the doubt

Through the night, I'll be brave

For your love, I'll survive again


Lead me one, lead me one

Through the clouds, through the rain

Through the pain, I'll be strong

For your love, I'll be safe again


I'm lost in this world without you

But you're always there for me now

You're my guiding light in the darkest nights

You're my guardian angel in my dreams


Lead me one, lead me one

Through the clouds, through the rain

Through the pain, I'll be strong

For your love, I'll be safe again

For your love, I'll be safe again.

這是一首充滿希望和愛的歌曲,表達了 Lady Gaga 對信仰和愛的堅定信念。歌詞中多次強調了她的痛苦和困難,但同時也在期待著愛和指引的力量。在歌曲中,她不斷表達出對未來的希望和信念,認為在愛的指引下,她可以克服一切困難,走向光明。