life is short歌詞

"Life is short" 是歌曲《Life is Short》中的一句歌詞,以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Life is short, like a blink,

You're up, you're down, it's all in the blink of an eye.

So live your life, like it's your last,

Make every moment count, don't just settle for second best.

Life is short, so make it count,

Every day is a gift, so don't just sit there and think of the past.

Don't waste your time on regrets,

Just make sure you're living your life the best way you can.

So go out and live it up,

Take a chance and seize the day,

Because life is short, and it's a game we play.

So make sure you play it well,

Because this life is yours to hold on to.

所以,“Life is short”的意思是提醒我們珍視生命中的每一刻,儘可能地去追求夢想,去做那些讓你心跳加速、充滿激情的事情,讓自己的生命煥發出絢麗的光彩。