lighters lyrics歌詞



Verse 1:

Now we're standing in the dark

Trying to make it last

But we're feeling the cold

And the rain on our heads

But we're holding on

And we're singing along

To the music that's playing

And we're singing for the stars


Lighters in the sky

For our life together

Til the end of time

Everybody, everybody, lighters up

Now we're standing in the crowd

Looking for some fun

Trying to keep it sounding

Like it's coming from one

We're looking for the fireworks

And we're singing along

To the music that's playing

And we're singing for the stars

Verse 2:

We're not looking for a big scene

Just something to believe in

And we're singing along

To the music that's playing

And we're singing for the stars


Lighters in the sky

For our life together

Til the end of time

Everybody, everybody, lighters up

Now we're here, we don't care

We'll dance until we fall

We'll light up the night with our lighters up in the air

We don't need to say a word

Just lift up your hands up in the air, yeah

We'll light up the night with our lighters up in the air, yeah yeah yeah


It might be a little bit scary now

But if we believe it now, we got nothing to fear now now now

Everybody in this room can do this too

Everybody in this song, come on let me hear you let me hear you singing yeah yeah yeah

Now everyone hold your breath for this, feel your life moving like you got wings yeah yeah yeah, now everyone dance until you fall, like you’re dreaming till the sun come up and the sun goes down. come on and do it, alright! yeah! everybody lift your lighters up high like you wont let down your pride like your with every stranger under every star light巧解三國武將排名之謎:蜀漢五虎上將之首,竟然不是關羽而是他! 三國時期是中國歷史上一個著名的時期,出現了許多著名的人物和事件。其中,蜀漢五虎上將是最為人們所熟知的一支軍隊。那么,在蜀漢五虎上將中,誰才是真正的第一呢?經過仔細分析,我們可以得出結論:關羽並非蜀漢五虎上將之首,而是另有其人。本文將從多個角度來探討這個問題。


