lily allen莉莉艾倫歌詞

我不確定你指的"Lily Allen"是誰,因為有很多名為"Lily Allen"的人。如果你是指英國創作歌手Lily Allen,我可以提供她的一些歌詞。以下是一些Lily Allen的歌詞:

1. "Smile"

"Don't let the pain get in the way of a smile

When it's gone it's gone and it's too late to cry"

2. "The Fear"

"It's like I'm trapped inside my own worst nightmare

And I can't seem to shake this feeling of complete and utter paranoia"

3. "Not Fair"

"I'm not asking for a favour

I'm not even looking for a spark

I just want to feel like everyone else does on their best day"

請注意,這些歌詞可能不是Lily Allen的全部歌詞,也不是全部歌詞的準確翻譯。你可以通過訪問Lily Allen的官方網站或音樂平台來獲取她所有歌曲的歌詞。