

* 當你需要解藥的時候,我是一顆嗎。

When you need a remedy, am I the cure?

* 當我再看你的時候,眼裡是否只有你。

When I look at you again, will there be only you in my gaze?

* 就算時間很短暫,讓我再愛你一遍。

Even if it's for a short time, let me love you again.

* 就像剛開始一樣,毫無保留的愛你。

Just like it was at the beginning, love you without reservation.

* 聽我呼吸,聽我低語,你能否聽懂。

Listen to my breath, listen to my whisper, can you understand?

* 聽我狂野,聽我哭泣,你是否會痛。

Listen to my wildness, listen to my tears, will it pain you?

* 當你需要解藥的時候,我是一顆嗎。

When you need a remedy, am I the cure?

* 我不要再躲了,我也不要在找理由了。

I shouldn't hide anymore, I shouldn't find reasons anymore.

* 你給我解釋愛的形狀,我可以打開我的心門。

You show me the shape of love, I can open my heart.
