lizzo good as hell歌詞

Lizzo - Good As Hell 歌詞

Verse 1:

I'm gonna do it, gonna do it

Good as hell, I'm feeling it

Gonna make it happen, gonna make it

I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it


Good as hell, I'm feeling it

Yeah, I'm gonna make it through

I'm gonna break through, break through

Through the clouds, to the sun

Verse 2:

It's been a rollercoaster, I ain't scared to fall

Life is beautiful, it's a marathon, not a sprint

But I'm here to stay, I'm here to win, I'm here to rise

And I'm gonna rise, up up up up up up


Good as hell, I'm feeling it

Yeah, I'm gonna make it through

I'm gonna break through, break through

Through the clouds, to the sun


It's gonna take everything in me to keep on pushing forward

But I know that I've got this, got this thing in the bag

So let me just go for it, let me just go for it now


Good as hell, I'm feeling it (Good as hell)

Yeah, I'm gonna make it through (Make it through)

I'm gonna break through, break through (Break through)

Through the clouds, to the sun (Sun)


It's a beautiful day for me (For me) and I籃球賽轉播費用應該怎么收取?有哪些需要注意的地方?


1. 轉播質量:高清轉播的費用會比標清轉播更高。對於轉播質量的控制,可以根據觀眾需求和市場情況來考慮。此外,需要考慮到信號傳輸質量、場地內和場地外的設備以及是否使用衛星信號等因素。確保能夠提供清晰、流暢的轉播體驗。

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