london calling歌詞

以下是《London Calling》的歌詞:

London calling, London calling

Calling, London calling

London calling, London calling

Calling, London, London calling

London, you're a grand old town

You're a grand old town tonight

But you're a dirty old town for me

Come on, let's go

Come on, let's go down the pub

It's the only place to be

You can dance all night

And feel all right

But you're still dirty old town

Oh, London calling, London calling

Calling, London, London calling

Oh, London, you're a grand old town

But you're a dirty old town for me

Oh, the traffic's moving along well

And the crowds are flowing along too

But I'm leaving this old town tonight

Come on, let's go

Come on, let's go down the pub

It's the only place to be

You can dance all night

And feel all right

But I'm still leaving this dirty old town

Oh no! No! No! No! No!

I can't stand this no more!

(I don't like the noise)

Oh no! No! No! No! No!

No more people joking!

(It gets me down)

So it's goodbye to you from me and the boys from Essex!


And it's goodbye to you from me and the girls from Stepney! (Oh yeah!)

So when I say goodbye to London (Goodbye London)

It's gonna be for ever (Yeah forever)

Gonna take a trip up to Yorkshire (Up to Yorkshire)

Where the scenery is pretty clear (Oh yeah)

Gonna leave my worries behind (Oh yeah)

Gonna be in peace up in the hills of Scotland (Oh yeah)

But when I come back down to earth (Oh no)

I know I'll miss London again (Yeah)

(Oh no!) No! No! No! No! No! No more! (Yeah)

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