love chase歌詞

《Love Chaser》的詞曲創作由Kim。Lee (A-Skies) 和 Alexander Groothuis 共同完成。以下是《Love Chaser》的詞曲:


Chase me, love me,

You're my heart,

You're my world,

Chase me, love me,

So beautiful,

But so dangerous,

Take my hand,

Oh boy, oh boy.


Cause I don't care if it's cold outside,

I'll wear my heart on my sleeve,

And I'll chase after you,

Cause I love you.


Chase me, love me,

I'm feeling it,

This is fate,

Chase me, love me,

Come and play,

But be careful.

So tender,

Oh boy, oh boy.


Cause I don't care if it's cold outside,

I'll wear my heart on my sleeve,

And I'll chase after you,

Cause I love you.


So here we go again,

Oh boy, oh boy.


I'm feeling the magic in the air.


Chase me. (Repeat)
