
"Memory" 的歌詞中有 "cats" 的部分,以下是部分歌詞:

I dreamed a dream in time gone by

When hope was high and life was new

I dreamed that love would never die

I dreamed that God would never let me lose you

But then I woke and life was all I saw

That dreams were all a fairy tale too

I close my eyes and here I am

With memories of love I'd rather forget

I close my eyes and think I see you there

Cats upon the rooftop, stars up in the air

And I can hear you say "I love you"

But it's just my foolish memory

在這部分中,"cats" 是作為一個意象出現的,表達了一種過去美好記憶的感覺。這是一種以比喻或隱喻的方式來表達感情的方式。此外,"cats upon the rooftop, stars up in the air"這部分可能是對曾經美好回憶的一個生動的描繪,展示了自由、冒險和愛情的感覺。但是最後一句“it's just my foolish memory”表明這些記憶已經不再真實,只是過時的、愚蠢的記憶。