my bonnie群星歌詞

《My Bonnie》的詞曲由The Highlanders(高地人樂隊)創作,並由群星在多個音樂節目中演唱。


My bonnie lies over the ocean,

Where the bluebird sings sweet and low,

My bonnie lies over the ocean,

Oh, take me to my Bonnie, dear.


My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

I'll never say another goodbye.

(Verse 2)

Just a little while and ever I'll see her,

Where the beautiful sunset skies glow,

My bonnie lies over the ocean,

Oh, take me to my Bonnie, dear.


歌曲中的"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"(我的波妮在海的那邊)是一句詩句,表達了對愛人的思念和愛情。
