no gain歌詞

no gain的詞曲作者和演唱者不詳,以下是歌曲的歌詞:

No gain, no pain

The struggle, the strain

Get up, get out

Out of line

So what if you fail

So what if you stumble

One day you'll fall back

And take flight

No gain, no pain

You've got to sweat it out

It's a test of your will

And your endurance too

Take it one step at a time

Don't rush into the finish line

One day you'll reach it

You'll see the light

Just believe in yourself

You'll come out stronger and smarter

It's all a part of the plan

It's not the end of the story

No gain, no pain

It's just a challenge

But it won't defeat you

Just get up and start again

So what if you fail?

You'll succeed one day

So keep going and pushing yourself

With every challenge that you face

Believe in yourself

And you'll find that your dreams come true

You've got to fight for it

But you'll rise above it

So no gain, no pain

Just a part of your journey

Take it one step at a time

And you'll see it through

No gain, no pain...

以上就是no gain的歌詞,希望對您有所幫助。