nothin like you歌詞

《Nothin Like You》的歌詞如下:


I ain't lookin for no drama

Just a simple, quiet, easy man

To love me, and hold me

Till the world runs out of daylight


I ain't perfect, but I'm worth it

Girl, you're looking for the realest

No games, no phonies

When I'm with you, I'm all in


No one else will do

No one else will do

No one like you

No one else will do


I'm a simple man with simple dreams

I'm here for you, girl, you can trust me

And when it comes to love, I'm a believer

Cause you, girl, you are my everything


You are my everything

And I want you forever

You are my everything

And I need you forever

You are my everything

And I want you forever

You are my everything

And I need you forever

Forever, forever


I'm a simple man with simple dreams

I'm here for you, girl, you can trust me

And when it comes to love, I'm a believer

Cause you, girl, you are my everything (Yeah)

Yeah, my baby said it to me one day,

Said she got nothing but nothing like you baby said she the real deal and nothing less than authentic like to die with. Like me my oh my and in forever baby baby計算(2a-b)^2(2a+b)^2(b-2a)^2的值,其中a=3,b=-2。我根據題目求出結果是36ab^4,但是正確答案是144。為什麼我算出來的是錯的?我是按照同底數冪相乘的法則算出來的。我需要詳細解答。謝謝!

因為底數不變,指數相加的原因。$[(2a-b)(2a+b)]^{2}$ $\times (b-2a)^{2}$的運算法則先算乘方,再算乘法先化簡這個式子$[(2a-b)(2a+b)]^{2}$=[(2a)²-b²]²=(4a²)²-2×4a²×b²+b⁴=$16a^{4}-16a²b²+b^{4}$所以$(b-2a)^{2} = b^{4}-4a^{3}b+4a^{2}b^{2}$代入數值可得原式=[(3)²-(-2)²]²-4×3²×(-2)²+(-2)⁴=36ab⁴把上述結果代入數值可得原式=36×3×(-2)⁴=36×8=144題目正確答案是對的。如果你只用了同底數冪相乘的法則算,答案確實應該是錯的。同底數冪相乘,底數不變,指數相加;先算乘方再算乘法也是求結果正確與否的重要步驟。請記住這兩個法則以及其正確運用方式,相信你下次一定能算對題目。