once in the blue moon歌詞

once in the blue moon的詞曲作者不詳,以下是歌曲的詞曲:

Once in the blue moon,

You can find me singing.

If you find me, you can catch me,

When my heart sings.

Underneath the starlight,

Where dreams come true,

You will find me, if you want to,

When the moon is blue.

My song is for you,

To bring you comfort,

Once in the blue moon,

I will sing.

Oh, how I love to sing,

Underneath the moonlight.

It's my favorite time of day,

When the stars are shining bright.

So if you hear my song,

It's just a dream come true.

You'll know it's me, you'll know it's true,

Once in the blue moon.
